A graduate of Liverpool John Moores University, Jamale Ijouiher is an expert on the North African biota after a decade of research. Having work experience at the Museum & Gallery, Cardiff and the Pontypridd Museum and Tourist Information Centre. Jamale has been involved in many scientific endeavours, most notably in North Africa. Jamale is currently a member in good standing with the The Palaeontological Association and the British Society of Authors.
1: Let’s start from the beginning. What
was your earliest sign of interest in paleontology that you can remember?
2: Did you have any professionals or family members who served as role models
when you were younger? Do you still have
any now?
JI: Growing
up I remember Bob Bakker inspiring me with his dynamic interpretations of
prehistoric life. I suppose another, arguably stronger but more subtly, influence
was David Norman who wrote for a ‘‘science’’ magazine called Dinosaurs! that I
collected diligently as a child. For a while that magazine was the only
dinosaur fix I could get.
while I wouldn’t call them heroes per say, I’ve always had an interest in the
history of our profession and with the early pioneers like the Sternberg’s, Mantell,
Owen, Stromer, Anning, Cope & Marsh. While modern science allows us to
study fossils in a way they never could have imagined, I think part of me still
secretly wishes I had been born back in those days.
As for
my current role models, while there are still palaeontologists I admire
greatly, I think the late professor Alan Turner deserves that accolade the
most. He was one of my lecturers while I studied at Liverpool John Moores
University and later my main adviser when I was writing my dissertation.
Despite being primarily a mammal specialist, we became friends and he did a lot
to help me move my career forward even when I had graduated and moved on. He is
greatly missed.
4: Was there anything you did or learned as you were on your way to your
current career that you feel got you to where you are? By this I mean any sort of field experience,
a class, networking with the right people, or possibly something different or
all three?
JI: The most
important lesson I’ve learnt so far is to have more confidence in myself. I
tend to be shy, previously lurking around the margins of the palaeo-community; so,
starting to attend conferences and networking with others in our profession was
a major step forward for my career.
advice to anyone starting on a career in palaeontology is to always put
yourself out there; my career wouldn’t have taken off without the friends and acquaintances
I’ve made and the wealth of advice, information and encouragement they provided.
5: You do a lot of work with North African fossils. Did you have an interest in this branch of
paleontology prior to starting your career or did it choose you?
JI: Oh, it
definitely chose me (laughs). Some people assume my interest is because I’m of
Arab descent, but that’s not true at all. I’ve always tended towards Mesozoic
palaeoecology, the more unusual or extreme the ecosystem the better.
So, when
my mother got me Nothdurft's book, The Lost Dinosaurs of Egypt, as a present I
quickly became enthralled. That book literally changed the course of my entire
career. The absolute uniqueness of the environment they described and the fauna
it contained immediately pressed my buttons. And since then Gondwanan
palaeontology, practically North Africa, has been my entire life.
6: What was or is your favorite project in paleontology so far? Would you be able to tell us about some of
your current projects?
long-term goal is to make the Old Kingdom - which I hope to continually update
with new information and reissue over the years - the first in a whole series
of text books on Mesozoic Africa. The next text book I’ve got planned will be
the first of a two-part series on Southern Africa. Hopefully I’ll start writing
it sometime next year.
As for
current projects, I’ve had a planned study on the nutritional value of Weichselia
reticulata on the backburner for quite a while now, given the difficulty I’ve
had in acquiring modern Matoniaceae specimens to work with. But I’m still
hopeful that I can proceed once some living specimens are located.
also got a YouTube series on palaeoecology planned; the first episode is
written, it’s just a matter of finding time to actually put a video together.
7: Why did you decide to start The Old Kingdom?
JI: As
palaeontology progresses I’ve noticed there seems to be an increasing trend in scientific
publishing to reconstruct whole ecosystems as opposed to simply name checking
various important species from all over the world. Books like Jurassic West, Extinct
Madagascar, Dinosaurs
of Eastern Iberia, Beasts
of Antiquity, Lost Land of the Dodo to name a few of the top of my head.
the amount of information now available to us, I’ve long felt that such a
comprehensive overview is long overdue. So, while finishing A reconstruction of the
palaeoecology and environmental dynamics of the Bahariya Formation of Egypt I
made a snap decision to actually do it myself; given the inexorable rise of
self-publishing, online publishing and open publishing, the time seemed to be ripe
as you don’t need museum affiliations to conduct research and publish anymore.
8: Where have you travelled for your career?
Do you have a favorite destination when it comes to fossils? Why?
JI: I’ve
traveled to quite a few places, mostly in Britain, but I’ve seen some of
America and Africa as well. My favorite destination has to be the Kem Kem beds
of Morocco. Never found anything noteworthy yet, but I still live in hope.
9: Do you ever get criticized on any of your work? How do you handle it?
JI: Yes,
I’ve had my share of criticism; but it’s to the credit of our profession that
it’s almost all been constructive and fair. Usually it inspires me to snap back
and work even harder to correct mistakes or gather evidence to further prove my
point. When looking back at my first drafts of A reconstruction of the
palaeoecology and environmental dynamics of the Bahariya Formation of Egypt, I
can’t believe how much I’ve upped my game since then.
10: Jurassic Park and Land Before Time (opposite ends of the spectrum, I know)
were just two of the programs I remember as a kid that helped fuel my obsession
with paleontology. Did you have favorite
shows, movies, or even toys growing up that fueled your passion?
Jurassic Park and the Land Before Time where two of my mainstays as a child as
well. But now that you mention it there were two other tv series that I
remember fondly. One was a miniseries called THE DINOSAURS, which had fantastic
animated sequences. Amazingly I’ve actually still got the VHS tapes after all
these years (although I only ever had two of the four episodes).
favorite series I watched religiously was Jurassica on the discovery channel,
although I sadly I don’t have any copies of it on DVD or VHS.
I have
no idea how well either of these series stand up today in terms of scientific
accuracy; maybe since were going down memory lane I should try to find time to
revisit them and find out for nostalgias sake.
11: One of my pet peeves is when people assume paleontology doesn’t really do
any real good in the grand scheme of things and is just a “for fun”
science. Do you think paleontology has a
bigger part to than this? How?
JI: Ugh, you
have no idea how badly that argument, ‘‘Why waste money on a field that
contributes nothing?’’, irks me as well; especially given how superficially
logical and seductive it sounds initially.
As far
as I’m aware no other branch of science, with the possible exception of the
space program, suffers these slings and arrows. The answer to the question of
whether or not Henry VIII suffered from McLeod syndrome will provide no
economic gain either yet historians aren’t constantly told to justify their
Call me
old fashioned, but I believe that knowledge should be gathered for its own
sake, not because you can profit from it further down the road. And given how
badly science education is deteriorating in the western world, palaeontology
has a vital part to play in cultivating an understanding of the earth sciences
in the next generation.
12: Who was the first paleontologist you met?
How was that interaction?
JI: I wish
you hadn’t asked me that as I’m bad with names and the first palaeontologist I
met was when I was invited to a series of lectures as a boy by someone at the British
museum of natural history. I remember having a wonderful time, but I can’t for
the life of me remember his/her name. So, if that person ever reads this I
offer my apologies.
13: Why do you think prehistoric animals are so influential to us today?
think this is due to the fact that there is nothing like them around today. And
the more ancient the species the more alien and fascinating it seems to us.
15: What is your favorite prehistoric animal?
Was it different when you were younger?
JI: Strangely
enough, given my love of North Africa, my favorite dinosaur has got to be
Dilophosaurus wetherilli. I fell in love with that guy after seeing Jurassic
Park and it continues to hold a place in my heart despite quickly learning of the
inaccuracies of that portrayal.
Dilophosaurus wtherilli |
16: If you could use a time machine to go back and pick only one prehistoric
animal to bring back from history and observe alive and in person, which would
it be and why?
JI: Now
that’s a tough question, and one that would probably get a different answer out
of me each time you ask it. At the moment you caught me in an Australian phase
so I’d have to plump for Leaellynasaura amicagraphica.
17: Back to the time machine. This time
you can go back to any place and time period and have a look at what the
environment was really like. Which one
would you pick and why?
JI: Bahariya.
No question. That ecosystem has been my life’s work and seeing it in life would
be a dream come true.
18: Which is your favorite museum? Why?
JI: I’ve
recently become enamored of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History,
although I’ll probably have a new favorite by this time next year since I’m
fickle when it comes to my favorites.
also got high hopes that the Natural Science Museum Rabat and the Cairo
Geological Museum can become world class natural history institutions in their
own right.
19: What hobbies do you have? (Don’t
have to be paleo-related.)
JI: I’m into
cryptozoology. Shocking I know, but it’s not all about fairytale creatures like
Nessie or Bigfoot. There are valid creatures, like the Bramble Cay melomys, that might
actually exist and investigating these possibilities is valid scientific
I must
also confess to being a big Sci-Fi fan, especially the old school Steampunk science
fiction like H. G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle and Jules Verne; although I also
enjoy modern fare such as Babylon 5.